Friday, June 19, 2009


The shake down was if I have a good finish I will get 2nd overall for the series at buck. I was thinking, get a good start and ride fast but nothing crazy and I will be fine. So at the start line there was a joke as every week(not so funny of one this week) 50 seconds 20 seconds 3 2 1, so I went for about 20 feet and there is a pull on my bike and I slowed, heaths bar is pushed in my seat some way from someone pushing him in to me( never my fault by the way, ever). He is now falling so he unclips and puts his foot in my wheel,and I fall to the ground.I am now in mid to 3/4 back of pack I stand up run with bike and get hit and fall again. I go to stand up and I get ran over, (You are thinking did he say ran over, yes I got ran over I have the cut up the back of my leg to prove it) I am back of pack. I jump on my bike seat it is at a 45 degree angle( you are thinking that's funny, no it was not funny at all it hurt all 4 laps). So now my race starts Heath yells "this will be really good training"I have to say at the time I was thinking what type of training is Heath doing? I worked really hard to pass for 2 laps the 3rd lap made up time 4th lap got to berry and he said so your taking your spot back, I did not understand at first. I finished the 4 lap so fast my bike had more traction then ever I was hitting corners full on just to see if I would spin out, lap 4 ended fast, I came in someone called out 4th place as I went through, LOL my fifth 4 place and 2nd overall for the series. I am sore again, bike needs work, racing Rock!


HEATH said...

Nice job superball! Knocked down twice and still bounce back to your designated spot. Your a freak, fastguy, how in heck, what gives, does your mother know, must be born with something, how do you train, crazy, I've got an excuse forsure, what are you eating, where did you come from? I suppose since your a regular bogger now I should link yours.

Julianbikeslikeme said...

He's always been fast. Now that he's being consistent it's showing. His goal was consistency and he's achieved it in a big way!

Andy said...

I eat taco bell all week 3 times a day. on race day i drink coffee so my body recovers faster from not eating taco bell and it feels great. Try this and you will see what great thing it will do for you!

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